Ar an 9ú agus 10ú Nollaig beidh daltaí na hidirbhliana  ó Phobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne ag léiriú seó ilsiamsa i Halla na Pobalscoile ag a 7.30in.

Bainfidh idir óg agus aosta taitneamh as an seó seo. Beidh míreanna difriúla sa seó ar nós:

Beidh ticéidí ar fáil ar an oíche. An costas a bheidh ar thicéad ná €10 do dhaoine fásta agus €5 do dhaltaí/scoláirí. Tá súil againn go mbeidh sibh ann agus go dtabharfaidh sibh tacaíocht dúinn!                                     Daltaí na hidirbhliana Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne 2015/16

Pobalscoil Corca Dhuibhne will be staging a Variety show on December 9th and 10th in the School Hall and the show will be performed through Irish. The transition year students have been practising their dance routines, songs lyrics and acting since last September. The show will present a variety of entertaining selections from musicals such as Grease, Highschool Musical, Mama Mia and Wicked, songs from Queen, Elvis, Garth Brooks as well as more novel acts including The Haka, Rappers and much more.

“Come to the show, banish the winter blues and sing along with your favourite songs, as all genre of music will be catered for”


The show Magnifico will be staged on Wednesday 9th December and Thursday 10thDecember at 8pm in Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne.

Admission prices: adults €10: Children €5. Family €20