Tá an scoil ag cur iar-bhunoideachas lán-Ghaeilge ar fáil do phobal Chorca Dhuibhne. Tá freastal á dhéanamh ar réimse leathan cumais ag tacú le hoideachas don dalta ina iomláine i dtimpeallacht atá aireach agus ómósach. Táimid thar a bheith buíoch don fhoireann, do na scoláirí, dá dtuismitheoirí agus do gach éinne i bpobal na scoile a chuidigh le héiteas scoile dearfach a chothú ó osclaíodh na doirse i mí Mheán Fómhair, 2007.
The school provides a Post Primary education through the medium of Irish in the Corca Dhuibhne area. We are sincerely grateful to the staff, students, parents and everybody in the School Community for helping build a positive school ethos since our foundation in September 2007. We work together to ensure that young people entrusted in our care will grow and achieve their full potential in a respectful and caring environment.
Every effort is made to meet the spiritual and educational needs of the pupils in the School Community where the pastoral care of the students is of great importance.